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a new understanding of chi gung

written by CraigBeattie on June 27th, 2004 @ 07:54 PM. edit (admin only)

chi gung and the whole taoist meditation has been a bit of a side hobby for me, that is to say an interest brought about by my interest in t’ai chi. Anyhow, I’m starting (I think) to get a good academic grounding in the early stages of developing energy and to a degree how it relates to t’ai chi. Starting to… after about 14 years.

What have I learnt recently?

Well, I’ve read the first two chapters of a book by mantak chia called: bone marrow nei kung. This is the largely secret art of enhancing your bone marrow, blood and body by focusing on the bones.

I’ve learnt a few things from these first few chapters. Firstly, and this is an odd one, I’m not ready to read it. Sounds mad doesn’t it? The content discusses how one should move ones focus, ones concentration around your body to bring about certain changes. Now imagine you’re reading a book that says focus on your belly button – try reading that without doing it! I couldn’t I’ll admit, I was reading passages and finding that at some points I was having a go without meaning to. A fairly meaty headache told me I wasn’t doing things quite right – but the book has spurred me on to practice some of the basics first before gathering all the knowledge I can.

An interesting lesson.

So this is why things are not taught before you’re ready – cos you’re not ready!!!! marvelous.

What else did I learn?


well, its not all magic. its based on simple things, meditation and using the bodies hormones to grow.

i’ll leave it there for now methinks

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