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t'ai chi, yoga or meditation??
Figuring on taking a different course with my hobbies and trying to find some classes in meditation. Figuring the buddhist centre in croydon would be a good bet. It seems they separate the meditation and yoga classes though. Figuring yoga first a little - i'll go along tomorrow and ask I think.
I don’t know anything about t’ai chi. But as for me yoga and meditation is the same. Yoga teaches you to meditate and stay calm. So meditation is the subset of yoga
Good point, although the local buddhist centre lists the two classes separately with a comment that one should practice yoga first before starting on the meditation work. T’ai chi typically has a meditation aspect to it although my most recent school didn’t have a strong tradition here.
They’re all linked but oddly separate – I guess therein lies my conundrum.
tai chi can also be though as meditation in movement